Dublin Road | Ballynahatty Road | Dergmoney Lane |
Dergmoney View | Lissan Drive | Lissan Mews |
Lissan Court | Oak Rise | Drumragh View |
Belvedere Park | Dergmoney Court | Dergmoney Place |
Dergmoney Avenue | Townsview Avenue | Townsview Avenue North |
Townsview Avenue South | Festival Park | Anderson Gardens |
Dergmoney Heights | Tudor Park | Kevlin Heights |
Coolnagard Close | Coolnagard Brae | Coolnagard Glen |
Coolnagard Grove | Coolnagard Square | Coolnagard Lane |
Coolnagard Heights | Coolnagard Court | Kevlin Road |
Coolnagard Meadows | Coolnagard Mews | Kevlin Gardens |
Coolnagard Gardens | Coolnagard Way | Kevlin Grove |
Coolnagard Avenue | Coolnagard Hollow | Coolnagard Rise |
Cannon Hill | Ashley Gardens | Hackett Villas |
Coolnagard Drive | Orchard Terrace | St Patrick's Terrace |
Kevlin Glen | Glenview Cottages | Starrs Crescent |
Sunningdale |
Fairmount Road | Culmore Park | Lambrook Drive |
Fairmount Terrace | O'Kane Park | Lambrook Meadows |
Fairmount Avenue | Johnston Park | Drumannon Grove |
Westview Terrace | Lambrook Road | Drumannon Rise |
Railway View | Lambrook Heights | Drumannon Drive |
Ashbourne Park | Ardmore Avenue | Tamlaght Mews |
Ashbourne Court | Ardmore Crescent | Sperrin View |
Ashbourne Close | Ardmore Height | Lismore Lane |
Ashbourne Grove | Ardmore Drive | Lismore Park |
Ashbourne View | Sperrin Drive | Clontarf Drive |
Ashbourne Heights | Sperrin Close | Clontarf Heights |
Tamlaght Road | Sperrin Park | Bracken Vale |
Bracken Court | Bracken Walk | Bracken Close |
If you are a resident of Omagh you may be wondering why a small bible study topic booklet has recently dropped through your front door?
The answer is simple, we at Exploding Word Ministries are currently undertaking an outreach in the Omagh area to raise awareness of the internet teaching ministry we operate.
The booklet are from wmpress and we are using them as outreach material due to their excellent content and suitability as introduction to the bible and to particular topic of study which may be of interest to the general public.
The booklets used are detailed below and it is envisaged that you will have received one of them from our recent blitz on Omagh's residential areas.
If you would like to read one of the other booklets highlighted then click the booklet's image and it will take you to the wmpress information page for that booklet. Sadly a small number of the booklets have not been made fully available so only general information will be available for some of the studies.
Please feels free to fully explore our own website as it contains a large selection of teaching material, from articles to mp3 sermons including video sermons and video bible studies etc.
All the provided content is free and can be used within your own study or be shared with other groups if you wish.
How can a little finite mortal describe the power of our Creator or the ability of our infinite God in all things? It is impossible to do it adequately, for God is so powerful and great and vast that our little minds at best cannot take it all in. But God has revealed Himself in His Book, the Bible, adequately enough to give us a vast unfolding idea of His power to do ANYTHING thought by man to be impossible! He created our world and hung it out in space, and it has been hanging there for thousands of years on nothing but His sustaining power. He has been replenishing our earth’s needs in spite of the destructive powers of both Satan and man. Let us now take some glimpses into God’s Word concerning His revelation of His absolutely unlimited power.
Our Creator knows who we are. In His eternal Word we can find who we were made to be, what we became through sin, where that leads us, and what we can become by accepting God’s rescue. Some do not know of God’s rescue. Some know of it in part and need to inquire diligently into it. Some fight against being rescued by God, while others embrace it dearly and in being rescued find that they have become in Jesus Christ a person of very high eternal destiny. My eternal soul is worth exactly what I let the Creator make it. I can either reject Him, resulting in my worthlessness in never-ending eternity, or I can accept Him and by faithful obedience let Him raise me to share with Him the eternal throne of the universe.
As Abraham was "a friend of God" by his submission and obedience to God, you too can come to know God and experience His mercy, peace, and blessing. Knowing God by truly submitting to Him in trust is the most important experience of life. How wonderful that God reveals Himself to all who seek Him with their whole heart! If you turn from going your own way and truly submit yourself to God, His Spirit will live in you. Nothing will be able to separate you from His love as you trust His promises and follow Him in obedience. He will be your God, and you will be His own treasured possession. You will discover that He purchased you at great cost, and He wants to have fellowship with you—now and for eternity. Ask God to give you understanding as you study these pages of quotation from God's Word. God inspired godly men to write these words and has miraculously preserved them through the generations in spite of all attempts of Satan to stamp them out.
Satan, described in God’s Word as "the prince of this world," is the arch-enemy of God and God’s highest creation—man. We human beings are on a desperate battlefield. The battle rages between CHRIST and Satan. We must choose which of the two will be our personal master forever, CHRIST the Creator—who is Emmanuel (God with us)—or Satan, the creature—who is prince of all rebellion against God. Through His death and resurrection CHRIST won perfect victory for all who will truly believe in Him. Satan tries in numerous ways to deceive and mislead people. Worship is the ultimate issue. CHRIST, our Creator, deserves all worship. We identify with the one we worship. Satan’s final attempt to capture people world-wide centers in: (1) independence from God, (2) obedience to demons, (3) worship of the "man of sin," (4) worship of his "image," and (5) the mark on the body required to buy or sell. Beware of all of these!
The Lord has challenged us to use 15 minutes each day just to praise Him. I find that this makes me a happier and more victorious Christian. Please do not just read this booklet. Use it as a guide for greater in-depth, heartfelt praise to our wonderful, living God. Choose portions of these Scriptures each morning and dwell in praise before the Lord. Let praise to Him become a continuous, living attitude. The Lord challenged us to ask for one million people in all countries around the world to praise Him 15 minutes each day. Let us examine our priorities. Just what could be more important than whole-hearted praise to the King of kings? Will you be one of the million?
For use with any Bible or Testament; lists many important topics along with Scripture references dealing with them. (48 pages)
The book of Romans in the New Testament is a letter from the apostle Paul to believers living in Rome about 58 a.d. It completely explains the amazing life of Jesus Christ—what He has already done for us and what He wants to do in us. Paul shows us how God sees us—as desperately in need of a Saviour. As sinners, we were all condemned to death and eternal separation from God. But in this letter we see God's wonderful, awesome love for us. He sent His own Son to take the death penalty for our sins so that we might be free to live in marvellous fellowship with Him now and for eternity. Isn't that the best news you could ever hear? Jesus, who is alive from the dead, wants to share His life with all who trust in Him and make them like Himself. "And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son" (1 John 5:11). Jesus said, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:32). Paul's letter to the Romans is a message of truth about freedom. Ask God to reveal Jesus to your heart as a living Person, "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, . . . and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe" (Ephesians 1:18,19a). Hundreds of books have been written to analyse Paul's letter to the Romans. But don't come to this letter to analyse it. Babies don't analyse their mother's milk; they drink it for nourishment and life. Come to this letter again and again to drink deeply of it, to digest it, to know the Lord intimately, until Jesus Himself is formed in you (Galatians 4:19).
Emphasizes God's plan of salvation from creation; reveals the presence of Christ in Genesis. Includes much practical application. (112 pages)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, 2 who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. —Revelation 1:1-3 Revelation, the last book of the Bible, has often been contrasted with Genesis, the first book of the Bible. In Genesis we learn of the creation of heaven and earth. Satan appeared; sin, sorrow, and death entered the human race; and access to the tree of life was removed. In Revelation we see that Satan and his works are doomed; sin, sorrow, and death are vanquished; the tree of life is restored to a new earth; and those who believe on the Saviour are saved and live in God's eternal heaven. The title of the book is The Revelation of Jesus Christ. The word "revelation" or the Greek "apocalypse" means an uncovering, an unveiling, a revealing. Here we see Jesus in all His glory as He truly is, Creator and Lord of heaven and earth. Rather than focus on interpretations of man, we can turn our eyes to Jesus, the central Person of the book. He is worthy to be worshipped and served with all our being. We may not know exactly when the events of Revelation take place. But we can be sure that everything written is true and certain. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away" (Matthew 24:35). May this Bible study turn our hearts to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. May our response to this study be to worship the Lord Jesus and serve Him with joy.