Preaching God's acceptable Words about His plan for Salvation from Scriptures


Word Ministries

(Power of God unleashed)

Sound Quality Issues

MP3 Quality

The selection of sermons and sermonettes accessible from this site are taken from scheduled speaking engagements throughout N. Ireland. Sadly there are a number of poor sound reproduction due to the original recordings being made on low quality and often multi used tapes.

While every attempt has been made to ensure you are able to access the messages within the supplied mp3 format it is necessary to highlight that some sound distortion is evident and it is hoped that these sermons will be replaced over the fullness of time. In the meantime we hope that the quality of the sound does not take away from the content and your ability to enjoy same.

As some users will be accessing the site using MS Explorer it is therefore important to highlight that the main menu will ask the user to download the mp3 file prior to listening. To overcome this we have included a flash player on the bottom right column which works in all tested browses and will allow streaming of the sermons without delay.

It is permitted for you to copy the supplied messages to use within small groups or for personal listening on mp3 players etc. If you wish to share the messages with another party in the form of a audio CD please inform them of the offer that we are making to supply a speaker (Gratis, Free of charge, no strings attached) who could address them personally within a small group or bible study etc. Size of the meetings/groups are not important as Jesus said he is with us when only two or three are present.

On a closing note we would recommended that the site is viewed in the Firefox browser and we have supplied a link should you wish to upgrade to an (in our opinion) excellent browser which will allow you to use the site to it's fullest potential. May God bless you and open your understanding to his word.

William Andrews

William Andrews is a regular Christian preacher/speaker within churches across Northern Ireland. He lives in one of the very few dry villages in Ireland called Seskinore, has been married to Caroline for 42 blissful years and has two daughters Charlene (42) and Rachel (28). The year 2008 proved to be an exciting year for the family as Charlene got married to Dominic in September 08 and they had their first child Phoebe Rose on 30th November 2009. A second grandchild, Ruby Caroline was born on 23rd April 2013. In the middle of the Covid 19 pandemic Rachel got married to Joe on 13th December 2020 and on 18th July 2023 they had a daughter Lydia Niamh.

listen to the latest Sermons

Welcome Church - Speakers

  • Billy Boyd
    Billy Boyd is a gifted teacher, and long-time student of scripture, along with his wife Margaret he attends Welcome Church of God Northern Ireland were they play an active role.
  • William Huston
    William Huston, is an ordained preaching elder and lives with his wife Elsa in Co Antrim.
  • Morris McCabe
    Morris has been a Christian speaker for over 40 years within churches across the widest and breadth of Ireland North and South.

    As a gifted evangelist Morris teaches as inspired by the Holy Spirit and is uniquely able to ingratiate himself into any group setting, quickly finding opportunity to proclaiming the wonderful message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
  • Gus Roycroft It is with great sadness and regret that we announce the death of Gus who had been the main minster to the Craigavon Church since it started in 1990.

    Gus had been gifted with a true pastors heart towards the church congregation and regularly engaged within the caring ministries of the church, such as visiting the sick and maintaining contact with many who have been imprisoned for Christ across the world. He will be greatly missed.
  • Contact Us?
    Exploding Word Ministry logoContact us by email at
    • Mobile Telephone - 074 3402 0657
    • write directly to:-

    • William Andrews
    • 17 Corkhill Road
    • Seskinore
    • Omagh Co Tyrone
    • BT78 2PW