I recently received a number of wonderful invitations to speak in Africa, Pakistan and India which sadly I was forced to decline due to cost.
I always welcome such invites and were possible, try to include a link on our home page to the aforementioned ministries if permission is granted. If your wish to support any of the ministries we are linked to please contact them individually as we are unable to receive donation on their behalf.
On the subject of donations I would like to highlight that we are a non-profit ministry and do not receive donations from the general public or from any established religious institutions etc. The advantage of this is that we do not have to maintain accounts for tax proposes, the disadvantages is that we have no financial support which could be used to maintain and update the site.
Everything is supplied from our gracious God who supplies all of our needs.
Having received invitations to speak in far away lands, from Northern Ireland, everywhere is a faraway land. I was puzzled not to have received one single invitation from my own locale of Ireland.
As I was thinking about this, an image flashed into my mind, it was of a teenage girl who I know is battling with anorexic (a lack of desire to eat.) With the image came the thought that this was what was happening across the richer western world today of which N. Ireland is part. Not a physical eating disorder but rather a spiritual eating disorder.
It is strange to imagine that in a world where people are starving due to lack of food we are a country where people initially choose to starve themselves. I say initially because it is so apparent that many young people suffering from eating disorders are imprisoned by an influence outside of their control which subsequently seeks their destruction and the sad fact is that this influence is not acknowledged throughout the wider populist.
Is there any wonder that there is a spiritual anorexia nervosa, the name is from the Greek and simply means, a lack of desire to eat. People in the western world are deceived into thinking that they are spiritually fat, that they don't need to eat the food a loving God has prepared for them and therefore turn their noses up at it and criticizing it instead of embracing it.
I remember the words of Paul to the Jews who rejected the teachings of Jesus within their synagogue when he told them that the truth had to be offered first to them, but as they have rejected it, God would now give it to the gentiles.
The teaching and instruction, which constitutes spiritual food, is always freely given, as instructed within scriptures, "freely you received freely give" and is widely circulated by His many vassals. Sadly this treasure of knowledge has normally been rejected and belittled throughout history and it is no different within Northern Ireland today. The fruit of the Land of Saints and Scholars is spiritually withering on the vine and the necessary nourishment from God if not perceived as being necessary.
I therefore would ask for prayers for Ireland as a whole and for Northern Ireland in particular, that the spiritual blindness that has effected the people is healed and that our gracious God will allow at least some of the inhabitants of these shores to see clearly and become the eyes of the nation and that our great God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will be a light to guide their path.
William Andrews is a regular Christian preacher/speaker within churches across Northern Ireland. He lives in one of the very few dry villages in Ireland called Seskinore, has been married to Caroline for 42 blissful years and has two daughters Charlene (42) and Rachel (28). The year 2008 proved to be an exciting year for the family as Charlene got married to Dominic in September 08 and they had their first child Phoebe Rose on 30th November 2009. A second grandchild, Ruby Caroline was born on 23rd April 2013. In the middle of the Covid 19 pandemic Rachel got married to Joe on 13th December 2020 and on 18th July 2023 they had a daughter Lydia Niamh.