Preaching God's acceptable Words about His plan for Salvation from Scriptures


Word Ministries

(Power of God unleashed)

Need a Christian Speaker?


Exploding Word Ministries are pleased to be able to offer the services of the identified speaker to address small bible groups, church services, home meeting or in a small group setting etc. Please review the included sermons which range in length between 10 to 40 minutes.

The purpose of the supplied material is twofold, first it is to allow the listener to evaluate the speaker and ascertain if the speaking gifts evident are suitable for any Christian gathering they may seek a speaker for. Secondly it allows the messages, which are inspired by the Holy Spirit, to gain the widest possible hearing.

We offer this service to the wider church body of believers because Jesus indicated to his followers that they are to go into all the world and preach about the Kingdom of Heaven. Paul and the apostles travelled around the (Roman) world with their teaching in the established fledgling Christian church and often their first port of call was a visit to the local synagogue which at those times permitted visiting speaker to address the congregation.

While this facility to allow outsiders to share the Word is not normally available within most modern churches, it still remains a direction of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to teach and encourage the true body of believers who are often within those differing denomination so we offer the services of trained Christian speakers to all Christian groups including small house groups who may not have the immediate access to this level of teaching.

The service is free. There are no charges to the church/bible group and while a gift can be made if felt appropriate, none is expected. This is God's work therefore it becomes His responsibility to fund it as He sees fit. Matthew 10: 8 Freely you received, freely give.

There is also an active teaching element within our mission as we believe that it is the responsibility of every Christian to be an active part in the body of Christ and that this involves being encouraged to spiritually become mature in Christ.

To this end a local church (initially this will be a house church, until size dictates otherwise) will be available to teach and prepare those Christian's who feel that they are being called by God into a speaking ministry, and they will be invited to address a local congregation of mature believers who will endeavour to teach them, just like Priscilla and Aquila who taught Apollos (more fully) about Jesus Christ, in Acts 18: 24-26. The opportunity to hear other gifted ministers from different areas across N. Ireland and England will be available within the proposed local church to those interested.

The aim of this service is to allow the gospel to be preached in the entire body of Christ and while it is acknowledged that the Church is one body, unfortunately there is a major separation from the head (Jesus Christ) in different areas of theology and it is only by returning to the revealed truth within the bible that we can be truly one in Christ and an effective witness in this last age.

We look forward to hearing from you and will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible to anyone who requests our service.

William Andrews

William Andrews is a regular Christian preacher/speaker within churches across Northern Ireland. He lives in one of the very few dry villages in Ireland called Seskinore, has been married to Caroline for 42 blissful years and has two daughters Charlene (42) and Rachel (28). The year 2008 proved to be an exciting year for the family as Charlene got married to Dominic in September 08 and they had their first child Phoebe Rose on 30th November 2009. A second grandchild, Ruby Caroline was born on 23rd April 2013. In the middle of the Covid 19 pandemic Rachel got married to Joe on 13th December 2020 and on 18th July 2023 they had a daughter Lydia Niamh.

listen to the latest Sermons

Welcome Church - Speakers

  • Billy Boyd
    Billy Boyd is a gifted teacher, and long-time student of scripture, along with his wife Margaret he attends Welcome Church of God Northern Ireland were they play an active role.
  • William Huston
    William Huston, is an ordained preaching elder and lives with his wife Elsa in Co Antrim.
  • Morris McCabe
    Morris has been a Christian speaker for over 40 years within churches across the widest and breadth of Ireland North and South.

    As a gifted evangelist Morris teaches as inspired by the Holy Spirit and is uniquely able to ingratiate himself into any group setting, quickly finding opportunity to proclaiming the wonderful message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
  • Gus Roycroft It is with great sadness and regret that we announce the death of Gus who had been the main minster to the Craigavon Church since it started in 1990.

    Gus had been gifted with a true pastors heart towards the church congregation and regularly engaged within the caring ministries of the church, such as visiting the sick and maintaining contact with many who have been imprisoned for Christ across the world. He will be greatly missed.
  • Contact Us?
    Exploding Word Ministry logoContact us by email at
    • Mobile Telephone - 074 3402 0657
    • write directly to:-

    • William Andrews
    • 17 Corkhill Road
    • Seskinore
    • Omagh Co Tyrone
    • BT78 2PW