Preaching God's acceptable Words about His plan for Salvation from Scriptures


Word Ministries

(Power of God unleashed)

Sermons for listening or download

A selection of sermons preached by William Andrews, of Exploding Word Ministries within a range of churches across Northern Ireland.


Gethsemane (Olive Press)

William explores the events of Jesus both in the Garden of Gethsemane and at the Garden Tomb.


The Nature of Evil

William examines the Nature of Evil as revealed in the Bible.


Perfect in Love

William looks at Jesus' command to be perfect as your Father in Heaven is Perfect.


Resurrection and the Life

William explains the message Jesus give to Martha and the disciples when he raised Lazarus from the dead


The threefold Ministry of the Holy Spirit

William looks at the the role Jesus give to the Holy Spirit in John 16 v8.


Jesus and the Holy Spirit

William looks at why it was essential for the Holy Spirit to descend to Jesus at His Baptism.


Who did Jesus say He was

William looks at who Jesus was and the biblical proof that He was God in the flesh.


The Kingdom of God is like...

William looks at the parables which Jesus used to explain the Kingdom of God.


Love and Hate

William looks at the relationship between Love and Hate using the story of King Saul and David to show that Saul is a representative of Hate while David, a man after God's own Heart, is the representative of Love.


Lessons from the Great Banquet

William looks at what Jesus teaches us from the parables of The Wedding Feast and The Great Banquet recorded in Matthew 22 and Luke 14, and asks therefore are you appropriately dress? or just making excuses?


Living in the Kingdom

William looks into the future and asks what it will be like to live 500 years into the Millennium.


Another Gospel Another Christ

William explores the true nature of the Gospel and why it is so often preverted and changed.


The Impotent Church

William looks at the passion and compassion of Jesus and the apostles and asks why the Church are so lacking in love overall.


The Fear of God

William explains why it is important to Fear God and warns about the dangers facing the end-time Church because of its lacks the Fear of God, and it ongoing problems with the Spirit of Fear as a result.


The Material Builder

William looks at 1 Corinthians 3: 11-15 and asks the question - what are the materials that we using in our daily building of the House of God as we go about our work, family and local community.


The Gospel of Life and Death

William looks at how Satan deceives Christians about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Jesus is our ladder to God

William explores some of the different pictures of Jesus in the bible.


The Love of God

William explores the link between the agape Love of God and the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit which have been given to the Church.


Absolute Truth

William shares some personal thoughts about the absolute nature of the words of the Father and Jesus and the importance of our obedience to God at all times.


Magi Revisited

William looks at why the early church chose to abserve the coming of the Magi.


Faith & Fear

William Andrews looks at the difference between Faith and Fear and shows that they are different end of the same thing.


Atonement Explained

William Andrews speaking at the Lurgan Church speaks about the meaning of the ancient biblical holy day of Atonement, also called Yom Kippur.


The Simple Gospel

William Andrews examines the way the first century Church shared the gospel message with the gentile nation throughout the world.


How and Why to Pray

William Andrews explains why Jesus chose to teach his disciples to pray, and recaps some of the lessons given in the scriptures with regard to prayer.


Laodicean Church

William explains why the end-time Church is considered to be the Laodicean Church and what this means to Christians today.


The Christian Enemy

William explores the ways Satan attacks the Church of God in our modern world and how we as Christian are enabled to resist those attacks and drive that christian enemy away from us through Jesus Christ.


Holiness of the Holy Spirit

William explores the nature of the Holy Spirit and the aspect of His holiness as shown to us in the old and new testaments.



William looks at the need for Christian perseverance as we enter the New Year of 2017 and prepare to face an uncertain future that will undoubtedly challenge our Christian faith and resolve.


Christian Freedom

William looks at the subject of Freedom and how it applies to us as Christians today.


God is Life

William looks at the life offered to us by God and focuses on the concept of death and why it is the last enemy that will be destroyed.


Addressing Fear

William Andrews discusses the aspect of Fear and provides evidence that this is not something God wishes us as Christians to be concerned about.


Unique Christianity

William looks at the unique characteristics of Christianity and the role God has identified for Christians in his plan of salvation.


Armour of God

William examines the Armour of God as highlighted by Paul in Ephesians 6 and explores the spiritual meaning of the individual items mentioned


Introduction to Holiness

William explores the vast topic of Holiness, and in this introduction explains why God does not take it lightly when we trivialise Him or His Church.


Remembering Mary & Martha

William examines the command from Jesus to remember the Mary who anointed him with spikenard for his burial and looks at the significant of Mary's actions.


Watering the Seed

William speaking to the Lurgan Church, Craigavon, explores the Parable of the Sower and explains the importance of the impact of watering on the difference to the levels of growth discussed in the Parable.


Sign of Authority

William looks at the signs relating to the identify of the Messiah and shows that one important sign was the sign of authority mention by Moses in the old testament.


Why the Nativity?

William examines the Nativity and highlights that the record of Jesus' birth was put into the gospel scriptures more for the Gentile believers that for the Jews. He suggests that the inconsistency in knowing the accurate date of the Nativity was predetermined by God so that the Christian Church could celebrate this event at the time of their choosing. As the most difficult pagan religion for the Christian Church was the Feast of Saturnalia at the winter equinox, it was natural for the Church to chose this period to teach the Nativity as a direct attack against the demon spirits operating at this period.


Conflict Resolution

William explores some thoughts about conflict and the need for Christians as God's ambassadors to learn how to resolve conflict among ourselves. Using the books of Acts, and Galatians as examples he demonstrates that our teachings needs to be in agreement with God at all times, and why at all time we need to stand our ground to defend what is right.


Jubilee & Resurrection

William Andrews speaking at WCGNI in Lurgan Church explores the meaning of the Jubilee and also what our resurrection will be like.


Understanding the Lord's Prayer

William Andrews speaking to the Lurgan Church , Craigavon, explores the nature of the Lord's Prayer and explains the meaning of the words that we are so familiar with and why it is important for us not to use this prayer lightly as it signify our family relationship with Him.


Shadow of Substance

William Andrews explains the principals used within the bible to explain God miracle working power and that through Jesus Christ we are enabled to demonstrate God's will on earth as we continue to reflect Jesus on the earth until He returns.


Fork in the Road

William Andrews addressing the congregation at Lurgan WCGNI explores the need for God at times to change our direction in life to fulfil His plans in our life.


Pentecost - Decorating the Bride

William Andrews speaking at Seskinore House Church on the day of Pentecost explained the importance of the festival both to the modern and ancient Church and why it demonstrates God's unfailing grace to all of his people.


God Plans a Wedding

God repetitively patterned throughout the volume of scriptures the detailed blueprint plan to get a bride for His one and only son Jesus Christ by agreeing to pay the extravagant cost to redeem mankind as the bridal price.


Empowered to Witness

William Andrews speaking to the Church in Craigavon, explained that we need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, if we are to maintain our witness in the face of mounting persecution as we walk with God in these last days.


Why are you Here?

William Andrews addressing the Church in Craigavon asked the question which humanity has been asking for thousands of years. The answer to the question may surprise you.


God's Message about the Feast

William Andrews speaking to the Church in Craigavon explores the different messages God has given to us within the Feast of Tabernacles and highlights the central message for salvation through Jesus Christ which is available to all.


The Divine Announcement

William Andrews addressing the WCGNI shows how God the Father prepared to announce His Son, Jesus to the nation of the Jews and subsequently to the entire world. Using the media of Sky, flash-mob and a celebrity-endorsement, God testifies to everyone that the Messiah was born, thus signalling that God's long promised plan for salvation had arrived.


Dangers of the End Times

William Andrews speaking to the WCG NI Church in Lurgan about the end time and the impact this most prophetic of times mentioned in the Bible will have on the Church and on our personal walk with God. From Time Travel as revealed in scripture, racial tension as seen in Ferguson, America, the ongoing troubles between Israel and Gaza to the very real threat of the Islamic State and the fear of diseases such as Ebola. The signs that we are in the last days are very evident.


Role of the Holy Spirit

William Andrews speaking to the the WCG NI in Lurgan, highlights the importance of the role of the Holy Spirit to the Christian Church both in the first century and in our modern 21st Century world.


Pentecost - Birth of the Church

William Andrews speaking to the Church on their first visit to the Seskinore House Church, welcomed them to County Tyrone and spoke about the importance of the Holy Spirit within the Church and the miraculous display of God's power which was demonstrated at the birth of the Church in Jerusalem.


The Knowledge of Good & Evil

William Andrews addresses the Church in Lurgan, Craigavon and explores the reason why God placed the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden and highlighted that this tree is still being eaten by the Church today and how this is developing within them the very nature of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Esther - A Modern Parable

William Andrews speaking in Lurgan shares a spiritual parable concealed as a hidden treasure within the small book of Esther. William retells the story, emphasising the spiritual message entwined in it for the true bride of Jesus Christ who is being called out of the world over the last 2000 years and especially those who God is working with today.


God Believes in You

William Andrews speaking to the Welcome Church, Lurgan shares an important truth, hidden from many professing Christians today, that our Father God has faith that we will be in His Kingdom and therefore He believes in 'you'. He believes you will overcome this world, overcome it's King, Satan the Adversary and accept the truth about our Heavenly Father and the truth of His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ.


Faith an Unmoveable Object

William Andrews addressing the Welcome Church in Lurgan on the 15.02.14, asked the question - What happens when an irresistible force meets an unmoveable object. The irresistible force being the spiritual world view as it impacts on the Faith we have in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. William attempts to reinforce our Faith by reminding us that God always intervene directly in world affairs when it is necessary and that the evidence of His presence is seen in the historic record if we are willing to look for it.


Be Perfect

William Andrews addressing the Welcome Church on the 18th January 2014 explored the statement which Jesus said in Matthew 5 v 48 'Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.' as asks the question how are we to be perfect if the standard we are to attain to is God Himself.


Faithfulness to God

William Andrews addressing the Welcome Church on the last Sabbath of 2013 explores the question asked by Jesus - "Will I find Faith On the Earth" and answers that question by showing how the Church could be the Elijah who is to come.


Psalm 91- God's Protection

William Andrews speaking at the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon, Northern Ireland undertook a Bible study of Psalm 91 and highlighted the level of protection which God has promised to His Church in the last days. William explains why this Psalm shows that the member's of Christ's Body will remain on the earth until Our Lord's Return at the last trumpet.


Fear - Opposing Camps

William Andrews addressing the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon addressed the subject of Fear and used examples from the Bible to show the effect of fear and the differences between positive fear and negative fear and God's view on both. The description 'Opposing Camps' asks the question which type of fear is ruling in your live, the fear of God or the fear of circumstances.


Freedom by Adoption

William Andrews examines why the 1st Century Church made such an impact in the lives of both Jews and Gentile, and asks what has changed with modern Christianity that it is no longer an acceptable response to the problems facing the world today.


The Submissive Way

Addressing the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon William Andrews explains the importance of us emulating the example of Jesus as He shows us the need to show ourselves submissive to the Father's will for our lives and warns us of the potential outcome if we determine to do things our own way.


In the Potter's Hand

William Andrews looks at the changes which occur in a person's life when they come to know Jesus Christ and explains how God supplies all of our requirements through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that we are fully equipped to proclaim the everlasting Gospel, which is eternal life to all who accept it.


Recognising Our Time

William Andrews recaps on the events of the week's news and explains the importance for us as Christian recognising that this is our time to fully reflect the power of the Living God in every aspects of our own lives and to understand that we have the Spirit of the Living Christ dwelling within us.


Our Rebirth in Christ

William Andrews uses the teachings from the Gospel of John to show that Jesus has changed the way we are to come to the Father and explains the important details of our own rebirth which has resulted in us becoming first generation siblings of both Adam and Jesus.


Focusing on Jesus Christ

William Andrews examines what made the first century Church of God so effective in evangelising to both Jew and Gentile alike. He highlights that the message which was being taught by the early Christians was so radical that it draw people to it in the midst of ongoing persecution and rejection by the governmental and religious bodies of the day. The message broke down social and culture barriers to present a people united as one body in Jesus Christ as holy acceptable inheritors of God's grace and mercies.


Establishing World Government - Part 2

William Andrews speaking at the Welcome Church, Lurgan, Craigavon examines modern government from the perspective of history and the bible. In this second part he looks at the first world government (Babylon) and at the World Government which shall rule at the end of the age as referred to as the 10 toes of the image in the king's dream. William shows that this time is closer that we may think and presents evidence to confirm that we are in the era of the Ten Toes Kingdom and that it shall end with the return of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Establishing World Government - Part 1

William Andrews speaking at the Welcome Church, Lurgan, Craigavon examines modern government from the perspective of history and the bible. In this first part he looks at the roots of world government as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and presents an alternative view of the first world government (Babylon) as he explains that God worked closely with its gentile ruler Nebuchadnezzar, also known as the Head of Gold.


Entering the age of Saturnalia

William Andrews addressed the Welcome Church, Lurgan, Craigavon a few day before Christmas with a seasonal message with a difference. Highlighting the soon coming return of Jesus Christ, William demonstrated that God has established pointers/signs for this world so that it can know the times in which it is living and starting with the recent completion of the Mayan calendar, he explained about the ancient biblical Holy Days, the festival of Saturnalia (from which our modern Christmas has inherited most of it's customs) and the signs of the sky including the forthcoming 2014 - 2015 Lunar and Sonar Eclipses. William remains us that we need to be careful not to become like the Laodicean Church mentioned in the Book of Revelations who will be caught off guard at the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Sermon on the Mount

William Andrews addressing the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon, Northern Ireland delves deeper into the meaning Jesus was seeking to share with the Jews to His era and the importance of the message to us as Christians today. The message shows the true heart of God and what He expected of us as His sons and daughters.


Faith Without works?

William Andrews speaking at the Welcome Church, in Lurgan, Craigavon warns all Christians about the consequences of not living up to our unique calling into the service of God the Father in the name of Jesus.


God's Gifts to be Given

William Andrews shares an important biblical lesson with the Welcome Church, in Lurgan, Craigavon about our role as servants of Jesus Christ and the responsibility we owe to our brothers and sisters in this dying world. Are you the gift God intends you to be, or are you more like the disobedient servant who eat and drank instead of assuming his responsibilities to his fellow servants. A very thought provoking message which is extremely timely for our present era.


God's Warning from the Past

Addressing the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon - William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries uses part of verse 10 of Psalms 95 to expound the circumstances, which resulted in the first generation of the Israelite peoples being forbidden to enter the promised land and warns that this could be the end result of the present age of the Christian Church if they don't embrace the truth of Jesus Christ in full measure.


Galatians - Instruction From God

Addressing the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon - William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries discusses the lessons we are given in Paul's Letter to the Galatian Church and the importance of not allowing ourselves to be drawn back into legalism as we proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ within our personal daily walk with God.


Returned to Family Management

William Andrews addresses the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon and explores the meaning behind the Day of Pentecost,(Feast of Weeks) highlighting that the Levitical priesthood were only a caretaker management which assumed only the temporary (physical) authority of Melchizedek until the true heir Jesus Christ came and restored the priesthood back into the family of God by making us all priests under Him after the Order of Melchizedek.


God's Purpose in Creation

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries addresses the Welcome Church in Lurgan, Craigavon and explores the reason revealed within Scripture as to why God created the earth and all aspects of life. William highlights the many warning presented to us within the bible and expounds some of theses within the content of the sermon.


This is what Jesus did-(TIWJD)

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries addressed a Church Service in Lurgan Craigavon and explores the difference of the slogan WWJD 'What would Jesus Do' with the scripturally recommended TIWJD 'This is what Jesus did'. William provided examples from the bible to show that Jesus made a direct difference within peoples lives and that He also commissioned us to continue the work that He started until He himself returns to complete His mission which was given to Him from the Father when all things are put under his authority.


Introducing Jesus Christ as the Messiah

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries shows how the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John show that the identity of Jesus was hidden from Satan until Jesus was identified through the baptism of John on his coming of age at 30 years old, and the spectacular way which Jesus chose to reveal His true nature to His disciples at the wedding in Cana.


Showing God's Love to others

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries examines the nature of God's love toward us and explores the New Testament examples provided by Jesus which we are to imitate in our Christian walk today


God's Chosen Illustration

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries looks at the principal of teaching young children and shows that Our Heavenly Father has used the same technique with us when He is teaching us about His plan for our lives and the wonderful future He has envisaged for each and everyone of us through His Son Jesus Christ.


Becoming Christ Like

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries examines what it means to be a Christian and examines the wonderful work that our God and Father has accomplished through His Son, our elder brother Jesus Christ. William explains the difference between justification and sanctification which is the ongoing role we play individually within our salvation, in contrast to the completed work of Christ which has restored our ability to have an intimidate relationship with our Heavenly Father.


The King's Day - Head of the Year

William Andrews - Exploding Word Ministries explores the history of the Feast of Trumpets and looks forward to it's fulfilment with the return of Jesus Christ. William also examines new research which suggests that the return of Jesus Christ could be imminent - The identified speaker wishes to highlight a number of inconsistencies within the sermon and would like to highlighted these to the listener. The term Feast of Tabernacles is incorrectly used as it was meant to be Feast of Trumpets throughout. The Father of John the Baptist was made mute by the angel and not blind as stated within the sermon and the zodiac sign was Virgo and not Libra as discussed toward the end of the message. The speaker accepts that these inconsistencies would be confusing to the listener and apologies for same.


Thessalonica - Evangelical Excellence

William Andrews - Exploding Word Ministries explores the creation of the Church at Thessalonica and explains that this powerful evangelical vehicle was formed in only 3 days by the powerful interaction of the Holy Spirit during Paul's preaching and teaching in the local synagogue over 3 Sabbaths. The Thessalonian Church formed in the heat of the fires of persecution which came from both their own country men and the Jews from the region. William explains that it is impossible to be an effective tool in the hand of the Living God without undergoing the persecution highlighted within these letters and therefore we need to understand that our trials in this life will not stop until Jesus returns as King of King and Lord of Lords.


Take up Your Cross

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries explodes the meaning of what Jesus said in Matthew 10, Mark 8 and Luke 9 when he told his followers that they would need to deny themselves, take up their Cross daily and follow him. William explains the true call on a Christian's life and the need to under stand why we are to count the cost before accepting a life in service of our King of Kings Jesus.


The Link Commandment

The 5th Commandment is the natural link between the first four commandments and the last five. It teaches us the way to learn the proper respect for both God our Father and our elder brother Jesus Christ and how to live at peace with our human brothers and sisters whom we share this world with.


The Science behind the Gospel

William Andrews (Exploding Word Ministries) examines the science behind the gospel and explains why Jesus had to die on the Cross for our sins.


Spirit of the Law

William Andrews of Exploding Word Ministries explores two challenging verses within the Book of Exodus. How can a just God allow 'Grievous Bodily Harm' to be acquitted with no punishment or recompense required for the victim. William explained that this apparent lapse in justice is in reality the reason why we are not considered to be guilty of the suffering and subsequent death of our Lord Jesus Christ and also demonstrates God's unfailing love towards his children.



Forgiveness is fundamental within our relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and with our Father in Heaven. To help us learn the importance of this we agree within the Lord's Prayer to God forgiving us within the same way that we subsequently forgive others. The reason for this is to teaches us the importance of forgiveness and therefore to maintain relationship with friends and family which otherwise would be destroyed. Even as He teaches us God continues to show His love towards us as he is willing to forgive major sin as we learn to forgive petty difference.


2011 - Year of Fear

As we move more into 2011 we are going to see an increase of fear as events within the world race towards the climax of this present age. We will witness strange phenomenon all over the world, earthquake, tsunami, storms and disease will intensify in addition to war and famine of the earth. The cost of living, soaring fuel costs, a reduction in the world economy, and increase in crime etc.


A Christian Testimony

William shares from his personal experiences and explains why he started a preaching ministry as directed by God.


Our Christian Assessment

William Andrews examines what a Christian assessment would consist of when directed by the Holy Spirit. Are you living up to the expectations of the position you are hired into. What could help you develop. William Andrews shows the holy Spirit in action linking the Fruit of the Spirit to the Gifts of the Spirit to encourage you to grow.


Living in the Kingdom of God

William Andrews explores what it will be like to live in the Kingdom of God and the many changes we are to except.


Announcing the new King

William Andrews discusses the need for the church to announce the coming Kingdom and Jesus Christ as the future King.


Call of the Apostles

William Andrews looks at why the first apostles chose to leave all that they had to follow Jesus and why the skills they brought to the ministry are the same skills required to bring people to Jesus Christ today.


Stumbling Block

Why did the Jews considered Jesus to be a stumbling block and rock of offense. William Andrews addresses the question and asks if we are considered to be stumbling blocks within our local communities and when it is acceptable to be so and when it is not.


Mankind - Image of God

William Andrews explores the reason God detests idolatry in this though provoking sermon entitled - Mankind - Image of God. Using solid scriptural references he shows that God made mankind to reflect His invisible glory to all of the physical creation. Learn how and why Satan uses idolatry to counterfeit the truth and continues to seek to deceive the world about the nature of the true God. The truth is revealed in the fullness of Jesus Christ and it is the church, His physical body here on earth that is to be the true image of God today. Truth remains stranger then fiction and in Jesus Christ and the Church the Trust of God is evidence in true Christians today.



The temptation of Jesus is important for us to learn about because it teaches us how Satan uses the same method to tempt us on a day to day basis. As we examine the method used and learn the strategy Jesus used to defeat Satan we also can use the same methods to overcome the enemy.


Fear or Faith

Fear is used by parents to ensure their children stay in bed at night, Adults enjoy scary stories and enjoy the adrenaline rush of fear in all their leisure activities. Fear is often portrayed as good and wholesome but is in reality evil and depraved. William Andrews explores the nature of fear and its effect on the live and power of the church today. As Ephesians 6: 16 reminds us fear are the fiery darts of the enemy and it is one of the most powerful weapons in his arsenal.



There is about to be a new birth, the birth of the children of God which has been long awaited. What preparation has our Father God put into place to make ready for this birth and what dangers is there to the unborn Children of God. Within this sermon William Andrews demonstrates how God cares and provided for us using the example of physical birth and explains the major role faith has in our spiritual life.



Our relationship with the Father is paramount to Jesus and throughout his ministry Jesus continually highlighted that we need to be one both with himself and the Father.


The Plan of God

The Plan of God was prepared before the creation of the world and recorded within scripture for you and me to know that God loves us more than we can fully understand.


Job and Jesus

The story of Job show the life of a human being who pleased God and was considered to be prefect in his generation. As we examine the story we regularly find fault but we need to remember that Job is a fore-running type of Christ and the level of suffering that he endured is only a shadow of the suffering that Jesus subsequently endured.



What is faith, we know that without faith it is impossible to please God so faith is very important. This sermon is to help you know faith and strengthen our relationship with God our Father.


Armour of God

In Act 19 we are first introduced to the Ephesian Church which at that time only consisted of 12 men. Yet Paul shared one of his most important teaching within a letter to this very church in regard to the Armour of God.





The story of Elisha is a parity of Jesus and we are shown that Elisha did many of the miracles performed by Jesus during his ministry.


Bride & Groom

The parable of the wedding in Matthew 22 shows that we are invited to participate in the celebration of the marriage of Jesus to the Church and as such it should become the most important event in our lives and the parable warns us that if it is not then we are in danger of losing out.


Holy Spirit

Who or what is the Holy Spirit and if the Holy Spirit is also God then how do we see the Spirit represented in the world. These are some of the questions answered within this sermon.


Jesus Lives






Christianity 101

Christianity 101 is a back to basis sermon highlighting what it means to be a Christian from God's point of view.


Discerning Christ


The Fake Call


Preaching Good News


Home Renovation


Our Protection


Party God


The Perfect Sacrifice


A Purchased Bride


Rebecca's Veil


Reluctance Holy Spirit


The River of God


Typology of Christ


How You Killed Jesus

William Andrews

William Andrews is a regular Christian preacher/speaker within churches across Northern Ireland. He lives in one of the very few dry villages in Ireland called Seskinore, has been married to Caroline for 42 blissful years and has two daughters Charlene (42) and Rachel (28). The year 2008 proved to be an exciting year for the family as Charlene got married to Dominic in September 08 and they had their first child Phoebe Rose on 30th November 2009. A second grandchild, Ruby Caroline was born on 23rd April 2013. In the middle of the Covid 19 pandemic Rachel got married to Joe on 13th December 2020 and on 18th July 2023 they had a daughter Lydia Niamh.

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Craigavon Church - Speakers

  • Billy Boyd
    Billy Boyd is a gifted teacher, and long-time student of scripture, along with his wife Margaret he attends Welcome Church of God Northern Ireland were they play an active role.
  • William Huston
    William Huston, is an ordained preaching elder and lives with his wife Elsa in Co Antrim.
  • Morris McCabe
    Morris has been a Christian speaker for over 40 years within churches across the widest and breadth of Ireland North and South.

    As a gifted evangelist Morris teaches as inspired by the Holy Spirit and is uniquely able to ingratiate himself into any group setting, quickly finding opportunity to proclaiming the wonderful message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
  • Gus Roycroft It is with great sadness and regret that we announce the death of Gus who had been the main minster to the Craigavon Church since it started in 1990.

    Gus had been gifted with a true pastors heart towards the church congregation and regularly engaged within the caring ministries of the church, such as visiting the sick and maintaining contact with many who have been imprisoned for Christ across the world. He will be greatly missed.
  • Contact Us?
    Exploding Word Ministry logoContact us by email at
    • Mobile Telephone - 074 3402 0657
    • write directly to:-

    • William Andrews
    • 17 Corkhill Road
    • Seskinore
    • Omagh Co Tyrone
    • BT78 2PW